Implementing CWWs
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There is a broad range of positions included in the non-exempt employee category. For some of these positions, a day away during the workweek poses no particular problem. For others, it is more difficult.

This latter group faces a set of critical decisions for employees and mangers setting up and maintaining CWWs and considering the employee’s accessibility and flexibility on his or her scheduled day off. There is a natural tension between respecting the CWW and the flex day or part-flex day off that it creates in the workweek and dealing with the press of business that may intrude on that day. Issues to address are:

Occasional vs. Chronic   Over time, the arrangement and workload may reveal a pattern of intrusion into the scheduled day off. It is important for both parties to reach an understanding of what level of interruption is acceptable.

Training & Special Events   Managers should try not to schedule full group activities on days when compressed workers are scheduled to be away from work. Although compressed workers need to be flexible and amenable to swapping days to accommodate important meetings or events, it should not be assumed that a compressed worker will be available for every event. Understandings on these matters need to be reached between the manager and employee.

Access:  check-in or be available?   The broad range of non-exempt positions means that each arrangement requires different kinds of access on the employee’s scheduled day off. Options to consider include:

No contact at all

Requiring an employee check-in by phone

Having the employee provide home or cell phone numbers

Stipulating how often email and/or voice mail will be checked

Agreeing how often messages will be returned

These understandings should be updated periodically.

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